Youth Announcements 1/8/25

Good morning, 

Happy New Year! Hope your year is off to a good start. Please see the following: 

  1. Tonight! Youth Group starting at 7pm. We'll be inside (game in 304). 

  2. Our Friday Night Game Night originally scheduled for this Friday night is rescheduled for next Friday night, January 17 due to the uncertain weather coming in Friday night. The Manning's will host us next week. Please plan to bring a snack/game/dessert to share. 

  3. We have our Interest Meeting for our 2025 Antigua Mission Trip this Sunday evening after the evening service. If you have any interest in the trip (at all), please plan to attend. 

  4. Next Wednesday, we have our first Willow Brooke of the year. Please plan to be at the church by 5:45pm. 

  5. Our Progressive Dinner is coming up quickly on January 31. If you are interested in hosting a "course" of the meal, please let me know ASAP. 


Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 11/6/24

Hope you're having a great week! Please see the following: 

  1. Youth group tonight starting at 7pm... Planning to be in the gazebo since it'll likely be wet. 

  2. Our next ministry opportunity at Willow Brooke Court is coming up in 2 weeks on 11/20. Plan to meet at the church at 5:45pm. 

  3. Friday Night Game Night is coming up on 11/22. 

  4. Our Youth Christmas Party is Friday, December 13! Please see attached. 

Youth Announcements 10/9/24

Hello and good morning,

Please see the following updates to our schedule (a few things have been changed due to the retreat being rescheduled): 

  • Missions Conference this week through Sunday. We'll have a special speaker in Sunday School this Sunday. (Dr. Bogunjoko)

  • Willow Brooke Court- next Wednesday, October 16. Meet at the church at 5:45pm. 

  • SNAC Attack (date moved)- Sunday, October 27. See attached for details. Excited to do our biannual Pie Baking Contest.

  • Youth Retreat- November 1-2. Please let me know if you're planning to attend.

  • Christmas Party- December 13. More info soon. 

See you tonight,

Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 4/3/24

Good morning!

Trust you're having a good week. Please read and heed the following: 

  1. Youth group tonight starting at 7pm. Looks like we should be able to be outside tonight. 

  2. Friday Night Game Night is THIS Friday night, 4/5 at the Huffstickler's home from 7-9pm. Please let me know if you need the address and bring a game/snack/dessert to share. 

  3. We would still like to have a few people sign up for the Truth Tracker illustration. Sign up here!

  4. Please mark your calendars for the Sunday night Youth Service coming up on April 28. 

  5. ALCATRAZ is coming up in only a few weeks! Please register here and invite your friends! I have invitations in 305 for you all to hand out.


Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 3/20/24

Good morning!

We've had a good week of evangelistic meetings so far this week, hope you can make it out for Family Fun Night tonight! A few other things coming up:

  1. This Sunday evening is our next mission trip meeting. As a reminder, mission team members will need to write Deut. 6:1–9 from memory at this meeting. 

  2. ALCATRAZ 2024 is right around the corner. Be inviting friends and enemies alike. Sign up here:

  3. Next Wednesday we have our Willow Brooke nursing home ministry; plan to meet at the church at 5:45. 



Youth Announcements 1/31/24

Good morning!

Hope you are doing well. Please see the following: 

  1. Tonight, we have our Willow Brooke nursing home ministry. Please plan to be at the church at 5:45pm. Youth group following at 7pm. 

  2. This Friday Night is our Progressive Dinner! We plan to leave the church at 5:30pm, so please arrive by 5:25. Let me know if you have any questions. No need to bring anything except your appetite. I plan to be back at the church between 8:15-8:30pm. 

  3. Our next Mission Trip Meeting is this Sunday evening following the evening service. Parents are welcome to attend but not required. Homework packets are due at this meeting. 

  4. The following Sunday, 2/11 is our "Big Game Party" at the Harrison's. The church van is available so we will drive that to the Harrison's after the evening service. Not everyone will fit in the van, so we will need some to drive themselves as well. Parents, you are welcome to pick up your teens at the Harrison's at any point during the game or back at the church after the game is over. Anyone left at the Harrison's will return to church with me immediately after the final snap. Plan to bring a game-time snack or food to share. 


Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 1/3/24

Good morning and Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas season and are excited about the new year. Please see the following: 

  1. Youth group resumes tonight at 7pm! I'm planning to be inside as it's looking like it will be pretty cold. 

  2. Our next Friday Night Game Night will be next Friday, 1/12 at the Mannings from 7-9pm. Please bring a snack/game/dessert to share and let me know if you need the address. 

  3. Our first Mission Trip Meeting for our summer 2024 mission trip will be Sunday evening, 1/14 following the evening service. The mission trip is open to teens going into 10th-high school grad as of summer 2024. Parents and teens should both plan to attend, if possible. 

  4. Mark your calendars for our Progressive Dinner on February 2. More details to follow. Parents, let me know if you are interested in hosting. 


Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 10/25/23

Good morning,

I hope everyone is having a reasonably good week. Please read and heed: 

1) TONIGHT: we have our Willow Brooke nursing home ministry. Please plan to meet at the church at 5:45pm. Followed by youth group starting promptly at 7pm on the basketball court. 

2) This Friday, we have Friday Night Game Night at our house starting at 7:00pm (let me know if you need the address, we're about 5 min from the church by the airport). As you may or may not know, Friday night is Game 1 of the World Series; the game starts about 8:00. We'll have the game on, and anyone who wants to stay and watch the whole game is welcome to stay as late as you want (until the game is over, then you must leave). Bring a snack/game/dessert to share! 

3) We have SNAC Attack coming up Sunday, November 5 following the evening service! See attached for details. 




Youth Announcements 8/23/23

Good morning,

Hope you're having a good week. Thanks to all who came out for Alcatraz and brought so many friends. You won't want to miss tonight. And thanks also to everyone who helped!

  1. Youth group tonight starting at 7pm. Like I said, you won't want to miss it. 

  2. We have a very important Parent Meeting this Sunday evening following the evening service. Please plan to attend. This is our annual parent meeting, and both parents and teens are encouraged to attend. 

  3. Note that this Sunday (8/27) will be our combined SS kickoff breakfast in the Hansen Building. We'll resume our regular Youth SS the following Sunday, September 3rd. 

See you tonight!


Youth Announcements 8/2/23

Good morning,

I trust everyone is recovering from our week at camp last week. Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight! 

  1. Tonight, youth group starts at 7pm on the basketball court!

  2. ALCATRAZ 2023 is only a couple weeks away! Register at and invite a friend! 

  3. Please mark your calendars for our annual parent meeting on Sunday, August 27 following the evening service. This is an important meeting, please plan to attend.

See you tonight!


Youth Announcements 6/21/23

Good morning! 

Hope you're having a good week. Please see the following: 

  1. Youth group tonight starting at 7pm! We'll be inside because of all the rain, so plan to meet in 304-305. 

  2. Please be in prayer for our mission team as we leave next Wednesday for California for 10 days. Our regular summer program will continue with youth group on Wednesday nights at 7pm. 

  3. Mark your calendars! ALCATRAZ 2023 is fast approaching- August 18 from 6–9pm. Our goal this year is 100 teens, so be thinking about who you can invite! Our speaker this year is Pastor Kerry McGonigal. 

See you tonight!


Youth Announcements 5/3/23

Good morning and happy May!

First of all, THANK YOU for all the hard work you all put into the youth service this past Sunday night. You all did a wonderful job! If you want to watch it again, you can check it out here. 🙂

  1. YES Groups tonight starting at 7pm. Verses: Romans 8:26 & Romans 8:11. Final HBBI of the semester following at 7:30. 

  2. VBS Training is this Sunday afternoon following the morning service. Lunch is provided! If you are helping with VBS, this training is mandatory. 

  3. It's not too late (though it will be soon) to register for the Wilds! I've attached the registration form as well as the memory verses for this year!

  4. Mark your calendars for our Youth Activity Saturday, May 27. This will be an afternoon activity. More details to follow soon. 

See you tonight!

Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 4/19/23

Good morning,

Hope you're having a great week. Please see the following: 

  1. YES Groups tonight starting at 7pm. Verses: Galatians 5:22–23 & 2 Corinthians 3:18. HBBI at 7:30pm. 

  2. Our next Friday Night Game Night is April 28 at the Onessi's from 7-9pm. Let me know if you need the address. 

  3. Our Youth Service is coming up on April 30 (1 week from Sunday). Please plan to arrive that Sunday night by 5:30pm (at the latest). We will meet in 305 ahead of the service. 

  4. We will have a brief Mission Trip Meeting following the Youth Service on April 30. 


Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 4/12/23

Good morning,

Please see the following announcements: 

  1. YES Groups tonight starting at 7:00pm! Verses: 1 Corinthians 6:19 & Galatians 4:6. HBBI following at 7:30. 

  2. SNAC Attack is this Sunday night following the evening service from 7:30-9:00pm. See attached...

  3. Our next Friday Night Game Night is April 28 at the Onessi's from 7-9pm. Let me know if you need the address. 

  4. Our Youth Service is coming up on April 30 (2 weeks from Sunday). We'll be discussing assignments on Sunday in Sunday School, so be prayerfully considering what the Lord would have you do. (Greeting, special music, Scripture reading, etc.) We'll also be singing the two songs we've been working on with Jolly Jenna. 

  5. Reminder: the Wilds is fast approaching. If you haven't turned in your registration, please do so ASAP. The spots are filling up and the week is already closed to new groups. I've attached the registration form.

See you tonight,

Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 3/29/23

Good morning,

Trust you are having a good week. Please see the following: 

  1. Willow Brooke tonight! Please plan to meet at the church at 5:45pm. YES Groups at 7pm, HBBI at 7:30. Verses: James 1:12 & Revelation 2:10. 

  2. Our Progressive Dinner is this Friday evening. We will meet at the church at 5:30pm and plan to return around 8pm. No need to bring anything, just come ready to eat 🙂. 

  3. Our next SNAC Attack is April 16 following the evening service. 



Youth Announcements 3/15/23

Good morning,

Trust you are all having a good week and recovering from all the activity last week 🙂. Please see the following: 

  1. YES Groups tonight starting at 7:00pm. HBBI at 7:30. Verses: James 1:2–3 & Philippians 2:14. 

  2. We will have a mission trip meeting this Sunday evening following the evening service. As a reminder, at this meeting...

  • Homework packet due. 

  • Initial deposit due ($200- checks made out to Harvest).

  • Commitment deadline. 

  1. Our Progressive Dinner is March 31! We are planning to meet at the church at 5:30 that evening. 

  2. Mark your calendars: 

  • SNAC Attack April 16. 

  • Youth Service April 30. 

See you tonight!

Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 2/22/23

Good morning!

Please see the following: 

1) TONIGHT- we have our Willow Brooke ministry, please plan to meet at the church at 5:45pm. YES Groups to follow at 7pm and HBBI resumes this week at 7:30pm. 

2) Our next SNAC Attack is THIS Sunday, 2/26 following the evening service from 7:30–9:00pm. We are asking everyone to bring your Favorite Food for the evening! 

3) Our 2023 youth group t-shirts are in! I'll have them tonight. Reminder: short sleeve are $12 and long sleeve are $16. Cash or checks made out to Harvest, please. 

4) Our Ultimate Dodgeball Tournament is only 2 weeks away! Be working to get your team together! Here are the team requirements: Only 2 Harvest teens/team and at least 2 girls on each team. I will have flyers for you to give out tonight. 

See you tonight!
Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 2/15/23

Good morning!

Hope you're having a good week. Please see the following: 

1) YES Groups tonight starting at 7pm! Verses: Deuteronomy 7:21 & Psalm 56:3–4. 

2) This Sunday afternoon (2/19), I'll begin meeting with any teen guys interested in preaching at the Youth Service on Sunday, April 30. We will meet at 4pm on Sunday afternoons. 

3) Girls' Bible study is this coming Monday evening, 2/20 starting at 7pm at our house. Let Danielle know if you have any questions. 

4) Our next SNAC Attack is Sunday, 2/26 following the evening service from 7:30–9:00pm. We are asking everyone to bring your Favorite Food for the evening! 

5) During the week of our Evangelistic Meetings, we will be hosting an Ultimate Dodgeball Tournament here at the church. The event is Thursday, March 9 starting at 5pm. See attached for details and be thinking about who you can invite!


Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 2/1/23

Good morning,

Happy February! Hope you're having a good week. Please see the following: 

1) YES Groups tonight starting at 7:00pm! Review week for verses. 

2) Our "Big Game Party" is Sunday, February 12 following the evening service at the Harrison's. The church van is now available, so Pastor Marshall will be driving it to the Harrisons (Danielle and I will be at the Counseling Conference). We will provide pizza, and plan to bring your favorite gametime food as well. Parents, your teens can be picked up at the Harrison's at any time during the game or following the game back at the church. 

3) We have our first Mission Trip meeting for our San Francisco mission trip THIS Sunday, February 5 following the evening service. I plan to meet in the Truth Trackers room. 

TODAY is the final day for the Early Bird discount at the Wilds ($30 discount). If you are planning to go to camp, please try to have your registration and $50 deposit to me by tonight. 

See you tonight!

Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 1.25.23

Good morning,

Hope everyone is having a great week. Please see the following updates: 

1) YES Groups tonight starting at 7:00pm! We also have our Willow Brooke outreach tonight; please plan to meet at the church at 5:45pm if you are able to attend. 

2) SNAC Attack of the Pizza is this Sunday evening, January 29. Hope you can make it and bring a friend!

3) Our "Big Game Party" is Sunday, February 12 following the evening service at the Harrison's. The church van is now available, so Pastor Marshall will be driving it to the Harrisons (Danielle and I will be at the Counseling Conference). Plan to bring your favorite gametime food as well. Parents, your teens can be picked up at the Harrison's at any time during the game or following the game at the church. 

4) We have our first Mission Trip meeting for our San Francisco mission trip next Sunday, February 5 following the evening service. 

Last, but certainly not least, camp at The Wilds: Time is winding down for the early bird special (ends February 1, $30 discount). If you are planning to go to camp, please try to have your registration and $50 deposit to me by this Sunday, January 29 to secure your spot. 
