Each week we meet twice as a youth group for fellowship, encouragement, and to study the Word of God. The Harvest Youth desire to focus on Christ while having a heart intent on discipleship, service, and outreach. I want to invite each of you grades 7-12 to join us for Sunday School at 9:45 AM and Youth Group every Wednesday at 7 PM. I look forward to seeing you soon at Harvest!

Drew Bedics, Associate Pastor of Youth

Pastor Drew and His Wife, Danielle

Who? What? When?

Anyone in grades 7-12 is welcome to join us for Bible study and to learn how it applies to us today. We meet Sundays at 9:45 AM and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.


You can get youth announcements and details by joining the email list (email Pastor Drew), liking us on Facebook, or following @YouthHBC on Instagram.

Youth Blog

Keep up with everything that's going on with the youth group on the Youth Blog. 

Current School Year Schedule

Other Ministries for Youth

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Harvest Baptist CHurch Trail Life Troop 023

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