Christmas Caroling 2017

Meet at the church on December 20th at 7:00pm. 

Please use the form below to suggest families was can sing to on our annual caroling night. 

Free Outdoor Movie Night—"The Case for Christ"

Free Outdoor Movie Night—"The Case for Christ"

Join us (rain or shine) as we experience The Case for Christ outdoors at Harvest Baptist Church.  Register here for your chance for a $50 restaurant gift card.

Based on the true story of an award-winning investigative journalist—and avowed atheist—who applies his well-honed journalistic and legal skills to disprove the newfound Christian faith of his wife… with unexpected, life-altering results.

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Special Guests Sunday Evening

Missionary Presentation


Plan to join us during our Sunday evening service as we welcome the T@nd0n family who are currently serving to bring the gospel to southeast Asia. They have been serving the Lord in Asia for over five years and have returned to the US to raise the needed additional funds for their work. They will present their ministry and show how the Lord is doing great things in some very unlikely places. 

Generation Team 2017 Mission Trip

The 2017 Generation Mission Team traveled to Whiteville, North Carolina to assist Victory Baptist Church with their Vacation Bible School. The team left on Saturday, July 15 and returned July 22. We arrived that Saturday evening, participated in the Sunday school and church service on Sunday morning, decorated the auditorium stage on Sunday afternoon, and assisted with VBS each night that week from 6:30–8:30pm. During the daytime, the team helped with projects around the church and at Pastor Ledbetter's house, spread literature about VBS and the church, and enjoyed a little down-time on our visits to the Anchorage Camp on Lake Waccamaw, the North Carolina Natural History Museum, and Sunset Beach, NC. The Generation Team was made up of families, college students, and even a retiree. See some of the exciting photos below of our trip and plan to be a part of the next Generation Team trip!  

Summer Shake-Up Begins June 4!

The Summer Sunday school quarter at Harvest begins this coming Sunday, June 4! Come along as we begin our special "Summer Shake-up" schedule for Adult Sunday School. 

Intro to Harvest

With Pastor Marshall, Kitchen.
Curious about Harvest? Have questions you might have been afraid to ask? This class will provide you the opportunity to learn about the history, beliefs, and organizational structure of Harvest. This class will run all summer and is designed for those who want to know more about the church. This class is required before becoming a church member.

June 4th-July 23rd (8 Weeks)

For the first 8 weeks, we will be offering three classes:

"Key Truths for Women"

With Gretchen Fant and Kim Baldwin, Hansen Building Rooms 302-303.
Keys are important. They let us into our homes, allow us to drive our cars, and even give us the capability to unlock safe-deposit boxes at the bank. Spiritual keys are even more important because they unlock the truths we need in order to grow spiritually. This class will cover the essentials for spiritual growth and help you understand how to apply them to your life.

"Managing Our Finances God's Way"

With Mike Yessa and Steve Plumb, Hansen Building Room 301.
What does it mean to manage our finances God's way? What is this supposed to look like in our lives and homes? The Bible is full of wise counsel concerning our financial life. This eight-week class will examine different key principles regarding biblical financial management. Some of the lesson topics will include: Dedicate it all to God, plan your spending, giving as an act of worship, God's solution to debt, and how to enjoy what God has given you.

"Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life"

With John Manthei, Hansen Building Room 304-305.
Do you have a desire to be really real with your God? Do you want to move beyond the stage of normalcy and begin pursuing a life of holiness and godliness? We live in an undisciplined age, but it takes discipline to be godly. The only road to Christian maturity and godliness passes through the practice of spiritual discipline. 1 Timothy 4:7 says to "discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness" (NASB). This class will cover various important disciplines that we as believers can implement that will ultimately cause us to become more like Christ.

July 30th – August 27th (5 Weeks)

For the last five weeks this summer, we will be offering the following two options:

"More Key Truths for Women" (301-302)

With Kim Baldwin, Hansen Building Rooms 302-303.

"Heroes of the Faith: Biographies of Sold-out Servants for God"

Various, meeting in the Auditorium.
What does it mean to be "God's Athlete"? What does it involve to be greatly used by God? Does following Christ come with a cost? What can God do through a believer that is totally surrendered to him? These are some of the elements that will be examined as we step into the lives of five different heroes that God has greatly used throughout our Christian history.

  • 7/30/17 Mike Jensen, Eric Liddell
  • 8/6/17 Joshua Bogunjoko, William Carey
  • 8/13/17 Brendan Stewart, D. L. Moody
  • 8/20/17 David Sperr, Jonathan Goforth
  • 8/27/17 TJ Carney, Hudson Taylor

Sign up for Vacation Bible School Today!

Operation Arctic: Exploring the Coolest Book on the Planet Vacation Bible School will be held at Harvest Baptist Church from June 12–16, 2017 (with a special closing service on Sunday night, June 18, at 6pm). Join us every action-packed, Bible-centered, and fun-filled day as we learn about God's Word, do crafts, cheer on our teams, enjoy amazing snacks, and play memorable games. Students rising to grades 1–6 are invited to come! Pre-register to secure your free T-shirt! 

Letter from Pastor Marshall and Jenna


Dear Church Family, 

My family and I are very excited to announce that I have chosen to accept the calling from Harvest to serve as the Senior Pastor. Jenna and I are looking forward to what the Lord has prepared for our church in the coming years. From the beginning of this process, we have been consistently amazed at how God has worked in our hearts and in the hearts of others to show the path forward. Yes, this has been a long process, but it has been a rewarding one. God has allowed us to spend much time listening and talking about what makes our church special and how God might use our congregation in the local and surrounding areas in the future. 

We know we are stepping into some big shoes, and we won't be able to fill all the gaps left for us. But we know that God is gracious and will raise up men and women in our church to fill those gaps. 

Thank you to the deacons and pulpit committee for the time they put into this process. Thank you to Pastor Fant for his leadership and the time he has poured into me. It's been a wonderful experience to serve with my dad and mom in the ministry these past 8 years. We will be forever grateful for their impact on us.

Pastor Marshall and Jenna

Evangelist Tom Farrell at Harvest, March 5–8

You're invited!

Tom & Regina Farrell

Tom & Regina Farrell

Please join us for special meetings with Tom Farrell at Harvest Baptist Church.
Childcare will be provided each night.

Tom & Regina Farrell

Dr. Tom Farrell has been traveling in evangelism since 1979. His ministry has taken him all over the United States and to many foreign countries. He preaches in local church revivals, area-wide campaigns, Christian colleges, camps, and on many mission fields. He and his wife Regina have three children. They have a great desire to help strengthen the families of our nation.


Sunday - 9:45am Sunday School Hour (adults combined);
11:00am Morning Service; 6:00pm Evening Service

Monday - 7:00pm Service (Trail Life / American Heritage Girls Night)

Tuesday - 7:00pm Service (Family Fun Night with camp-style games)

Wednesday - 7:00pm Service (Bible Prophecy Night)

All services will be live streamed